Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sell Them, Don't Eat Them - Part 2

Here is Part 2 of the Sell Them, Don't Eat Them, Island Gurl Chronicles. Haven't read Part 1 yet, check it out here.

Year: Some 90s Carnival
Place: Food Fair, St. Thomas

Sell Them, Don't Eat Them - Part 2

I love me some saltfish cakes. Nobody can tell me that I can't eat saltfish cakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have been living in the states for over 10 years and have not found another person who can make saltfish cakes quite like my great-aunt. Some have come close, but not close enough to make me forget just how good they tasted.

I don't quite remember the year(s), but when I was asked to go help my aunt sell her stuff at the food fair, I don't think my response was that of an eager child who wanted to sit in the hot sun all day selling goods to people walking around the fair looking for things to buy. Boy, was my mind changed by the end of that first day.

Friday, November 24, 2017

School is in (Double) Session

Year: 1995 - 1996
Grade: 6th
Place: Lockhart - Kirwan Terrace Elementary

School is in (Double) Session

The school year had just started. We were in our final year of elementary school. I already had my seat where I wanted it. I didn't mind the classmate sitting next to me. My teacher wasn't too bad either. (Love you Mrs. Thomas) I knew most of my classmates throughout my years at Lockhart. All was well with the world.

Then Marilyn happened.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sell Them, Don't Eat Them - Part 1

Year: Some 90s Summer
Place: Tortola, BVI

Sell Them, Don't Eat Them - PART I

I started to write this blog, then when I read the title immediately remembered that there was more than one thing we were told as children not to eat, that we did anyway. Or to be more specific, more than one thing that we were supposed to be selling more of than we ate. This is part 1 of sell them, don't eat them. Part 2 will follow later this week.

I spent some of my summers since 1993, in the beautiful British Virgin Island of Tortola (Tola as we island folks pronounce it). Both sides of my family have relatives from and still living on this island. Little did I know that I was being shipped off in 1993 to avoid witnessing the change that was headed for my life, but my parents couldn't have picked a better place for me be that first summer. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

A Big Puddle of Mess

Year: 1994 or 1995
Grade: 5th Grade
Place: Lockhart Elementary School

Anybody who went to Lockhart Elementary before Hurricane Marilyn knows that when any heavy rain starts to fall, a huge puddle of water was the result in the center of the school, between the lunchroom and the back entrance of the main office.

I knew that. The other kids knew that. But that didn't stop us from running around and playing that day.

It was almost time to line up to get to class and for some reason, one of the class clowns* thought it would be fun to chase me around the field. I don't even know how it got started or why I even ran, but I was and I should have known then that disaster was not too far behind.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Introducing IGC - Island Gurl Chronicles

Interrupting your regularly scheduled broadcasting to bring you my new blog home, Island Gurl Chronicles. My first blog, Nobody's Princess 101 is still my main blog, but here on Island Gurl Chronicles, I will be taking it a lot more closer to home. 

Home as in the USVI and BVI, St. Thomas and Tortola, respectively. So much of my childhood is grounded in these places and I wanted to build a place where I could share those memories (good, bad, or indifferent) to the world. 

If you want tips on being a Queen Boss, Boss Babe, or HBIC, Nobody's Princess 101 is still the place to go. However, if you want to reminisce in what it was like growing up in the beautiful Virgin Islands, Island Gurl Chronicles is the place to be. 

More to come. Thanks for the love and support!! Who knows you just might be featured in one of my memories that I share........

Are you an island gurl too? Let me know in the comments, where you're from. Shout outs to your hometown!!